Winter is here, which means that many of you include a winter strength training program to supplement your endurance training in the off-season. You may be lifting more (and heavier) weights, spending more time in the saddle indoors on your trainer, trail running in snow, or participating in a variety of other snow sports. No matter what training you do in your off-season, you need to make sure you optimize your recovery.
Protein is one of the most misunderstood and underestimated parts of the diet. Jen Kates breaks it down to show why it's important and how much you need -- regardless of whether your a desk jockey, weekend warrior, or elite endurance athlete.
Lemon Juice? Well, yeah. We chose our ingredients not just to make them taste really amazing, but to supply a high-quality source of energy and to deliver the natural health benefits found in these ingredients.
Most athletes know they need protein for recovery, but there's a lot of conflicting information floating around the interwebs as to exactly how much we need to recover from workouts, get stronger, and perform optimally.
Thankfully we have Amity Warme to help cut through the cloud of misinformation with the following simple and straightforward evidence-based recommendations.
Getting key nutrients after training is critical to optimizing recovery from hard workout so you get full benefit from your workout and come back stronger for the next one. My latest recovery smoothie recipe includes the ingredients I’ve found to the most profound effect on decreasing inflammation and speeding tissue repair. It contains tart cherry juice, beet juice, plant-based protein, tumeric paste, cacao, and spinach amongst other fruits and vegetables.