I used to fade super hard towards the end of a 1-hour cyclocross effort. Now, in my final laps I've been able to launch attacks and even sprint to the finish.
Enduro Bites Ambassador Jen Kates explains how to ease back into training without risking injury after taking time off due to the gyms being closed because of COVID-19, injury, illness, or any other reason. Check out her advice on how to get back to strength training... safely and successfully.
Given your entire race / event season could be up in the air, you may find yourself riding, running, or training less than you normally would, which could lead you to wonder if you should make any changes to your food intake.
The short answer is: it depends.
There are a couple of things to consider when answering this question, and not all of them are based specifically on your fitness or training endeavors.
Being stuck at home has many of us wearing thin, but at least we can still make the most of it and get stronger for those eventual days doing what we love.
Thankfully, Coach Dee is back with the third installment of his home workout series to show us how.