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Where Did Summer Go?

Late spring of last year I realized I had gotten spoiled by living in Colorado for so long and wasn't taking enough advantage of the amazing mountains here. It was a bit of an epiphany, actually. I was coming back from a few weeks in Arizona when the drive through the San Juan and Sangre de Cristo Mountains made me reflect on how I had not been exploring these and other amazing Colorado mountain ranges enough. I had passed the Great Sand Dunes and was near the northern tip of the San Luis Valley driving toward Poncha Pass when I vowed to change this. The result: my most action-packed summer and fall in the Colorado high country.  

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Kitchen Sink Power Salad

Here's a quick and dirty "recipe" I made up one day when I had odds and ends  ingredients, needed to go grocery shipping, but didn't feel like leaving the house due to the smoke in the air.

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Pikes Peak Marathon & Ascent

This past weekend we once again participated in the Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon Expo. Besides being just a few miles from our kitchen, this race holds a special place as Enduro Bites has attended it longer than any other event.

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